Sunday, August 21, 2011

The elusive 50 miles.....

So, this weekend we were supposed to simulate a triathlon. (1.2  mile swim, 56 mile bike ride and a 30 min run). The group  did this yesterday, Saturday. I couldn't train with them because I had to be the swim taxi to my son. My hubby and I planned on this because he would get the opportunity to be challenged on the bike with our triathlon coach!

Today, I tried to wake up at 4:30 am and it didn't work, I hit the snooze button and wanted to hit it again. Thank goodness for my hubby, he kicked me out of bed and said go swim! So, out I go and headed out to pool to swim the workout. Awesome swim. I haven't had such a great swim in such a long time. Reminded me of when I used to be a fish in the water. I drove home and got on my bike and started to ride. The weather was cool and overcast. I was having a great ride. On one of my hills (The hill is on Donnelson Road) that I had to climb, I went over 12 -10 miles/hour. Yes, I got slower. But this is truly fast for me because I normally go about 3-4 miles/hour. I was steadily riding along and got to the SAG to buy water. As I was buying water, the thunder clouds rolled in and the rain started to pour. I was only at mile 35. I called my husband and he said that I would be rained on the entire way home, so he would pick me up. I was so bummed. The last time I tried to complete the 56 miles, it was 97 degrees with a heat index of 125. I know I will get there. I mean the longest ride I have done so far is 47 miles. He picked me up and drove the rest of the route for me, so I would know exactly where I should go.

So, I got home and put the running shoes on and out the door I went and ran for 40 minutes. Actually, this was a little over 3 miles. The weather wasn't cool anymore, it was hot and humid and I was drenched. I finished the workout. I am going to try again next weekend. This will not elude me.

Now, I have to get ready for the new week of hard work and pain.. Oh.. I forgot, I can not touch my toes cause my hamstrings are in pain... I will be rolling those out tonight before bed.

Happy Training,

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