Monday, November 28, 2011

Post Turkey day and the week(2.5 days) of work that I would like to forget...

Last week was a really long and short week for me. Work was so stressful that I almost started eating everything out of the refrigerator that I could find...Luckily for me, my husband was there to stop me and made chicken salad for dinner... I was in the middle of locking a data base and it seemed like we were never going to make it but we did!... so I was able to get ready for Thanksgiving!

This is how I felt on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday!
So, my relatives came in with coconut macaroons, ginger cookies and stuff to make "Chex Muddy Buddys".. All of the things, I really shouldn't be eating.. and they wanted to make more sweets... ugh... what was I to do?!? Luckily, I had signed up to run the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning.. I gotta help fight the eventual weight gain.....At least, I can slow it down by running in the race and continue with my training plan. 

The Turkey Trot was a 4 mile race in Shelby Farms.. This was a lot of fun. Prior to the race, Lesley arranged my workouts to make sure I had a fast race... right.. I don't run fast.. I mean the Saturday before, I ran a 4 mile and my average pace was 13 min/mile. See... I am a Slow Turtle..She had all of confidence in the world in me and even stated that I should have a negative split for my last two miles..I was just hoping to go a tiny bit faster than 13 min/mile. The night before, I said a little prayer and asked God to help me with my race and it worked!

My first mile was a 11:18 and I felt great. I even ran  1/4 mile with Kelly and was talking with her.. Mile 2 = 12:19.. I slowed down a little cause I wanted to save something for the last two miles.. I had to meet the goal of a negative split for my last two miles... Mile 3= 11:45 and I met up with Nancy and her daughter and I should have kept up with them cause they were keeping a good pace.. next time. Mile 4 = 11:32 and it wasn't the finish line.. the finish line was 250 ft in front of me and I just picked up my legs and ran as fast as I could... a 9:53 min/mile... Ok... you are probably saying that was for 250 ft.. you know what, I will take it. I am getting a little faster and who knows.. this speedy turtle will be passing that rabbit one day!

Thanksgiving was a  success.. I ran intervals on Saturday 3x3 min (2 min rest) and 2x1min (1min rest). For my 3 minutes, I averaged 10 min/pace.. and for one of my 1 min interval, I maintained an 8:30 min/mile pace.. Yes.. I said it, 8:30.... So, I am slowly getting there. I hope to surprise myself when next season comes... for now.. I will follow Lesley's plan and keep on moving!

Happy Training,

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Speedy Turtle is trying to get faster....

It has been over a week since I wrote. I am starting to get faster. Last week, I was trying to get all of my workouts in, but it was getting really hard to fit them in. Training in the winter is a lot different than training in the summer time.

In the summer, I would run or bike in the afternoon if I missed my 4:30 am workout. Well, I can't do that now because it is soo dark.

So, what I have been doing. Well, I have starting working out on intervals. I am doing intervals in running, swimming and biking. My bike and the trainer are becoming really good friends. Every other night, I have been getting off of work, cook dinner, change and go to the garage. Quite the routine. In the mornings, I will get up at 4:30 am... actually, I will hit the snooze button two times and Don, would push me out.. I need that motivation. This is when I have been getting my running and swim done. It worked this week, so now I have to continue next week and the week after to come a habit.. So just maybe.... my 14 minute mile will get faster.. hence, Speedy Turtle getting faster!

So, I am working hard and following Lesley's advice, hard work will hopefully pay off..

Happy Training!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Another week of training...

This week winter has decided to arrive...ok... I am a girl that grew up in Southern California.. we had lows in the morning of 40 and highs of 57... so, for some of my friends this isn't cold, but I was cold. So this week, training on the bike was on the bike trainer. I am getting to like my garage. This week, I have done a couple of interval trainings and I have found that 3 minutes can be a long time when you are trying to maintain a cadence of 95+ on the bike. I finished it, but it was hard. I know this will help me for next season.

I am actually getting excited about next season. Ever night, I look at the Ironman 70.3 website and other websites to look for another half to complete. Yes, I am hooked. This time I want to be able to complete a half and some Olympic, and sprint triathlons. So, this off season, I am going to be training and probably griping about the cold.. I will always be a true Southern California Girl.

Happy Training!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Back to training again..

Hi all,
I have changed the title to the blog.. I thought I would title it The Speedy Turtle.. yes, this seem like a contradiction.. see, I am starting to get a faster but I am still slow... as slow as a turtle.. but.. I don't care. I  am still training - off season training and come next triathlon season, I am going to get faster.

During this off season, I am going to work on my swimming, biking and running. In fact, I am now working with a new Coach - Lesley. This week was testing week I swam a 500 yard swim as fast as I could.. not. I finished in 10:56 sec. Yesterday, I had to ride my bike for 20 minutes as fast as I can.. THAT was hard.. Still not fast but it was Hard! Now next week, I will be training and really train hard. My new motto is "NO EXCUSES"..So, I am going to use this forum to keep me honest and no excuses.

Have a great week!

The Speedy Turtle!
