Thursday, April 18, 2013

2 Days and 9 hours and 25 min....

My second half ironman is on Sunday 21 April 2013.... I have ran, swam, and biked to prepare for this race.. Do I have butterflies?? Yes.. I do!

 I know I have completed this distance before but I wasn't as prepared as I am now. I tried to be dedicated, I tried to have NO Excuses this time... I worked hard and I have been consistent.. Now I need to BELIEVE IN MY TRAINING...

I have been thinking about the swim and I have in my head going, don't cross your arms pass your body, think of pulling your arms along the black line...Nutrition on the bike, eat and hydrate... run..remember to run... walk through the water stops...

Finally, I need to remember this: Focus on how far I've come and not how far I have to go...

 I will remember this and have fun...

I will not give up!

Happy Training!


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