Monday, May 23, 2016

Happy World Turtle Day.........Speedy Turtle is back.....

Hi all,

I know it has been awhile...actually 9 months.. Too many things going on through my mind and too many events that have happened in my life!! But I am back...

Over the last few weeks, I have been contemplating on how I would start again.. "Where's Waldo  aka Speedy Turtle???"  "Post-Race Traumatic Stress"...."I'm a Fraud, How can I call myself a triathlete?"

As you can see, I have had a lot of things going on in my head...This weekend, I participated in IM Chattanooga 70.3 and I had a lot of time to listen to that little voice in my head that has been haunting me over the last 9 months... What did I learn??

Here is what I learned... I am ok and I am enough!!! After finishing a full Ironman, I didn't know what to do with myself, so I started to compare myself to others, in my head and said I'm not good enough. During my marathon training, I cried on my runs cause I thought I was so slow.. well, I PR'd my marathon.. I am good enough.

During the training leading up to IM Chatt 70.3, I cried during my trainer rides cause I was terrified of the hills that I was going to be racing.. Those are hard hills and I succeeded and climbed each of the hills. I cried swimming, thinking I will never get faster.. Well, that was a dumb thought!! I actually had the best swim ever this past weekend..

So, what did I learn??? My coach sent this to me and I am so glad she did...

"It's very hard in the beginning to understand that the whole idea is not to beat the other runners. Eventually you learn tat the competition is against the little voice inside you that wants you to quit!"
-George Sheehan

See, those voices were talking to me since 28 Sep 2015... I have had doubts about my ability and why I even tri'd to race in triathlons.. I started  Triathlons to get healthy and start setting an example for my son. I have found my closest friend in triathlon!! It has now become a lifestyle for me.

I AM a Triathlete!! I AM a Runner.. I AM Enough!!

So, all of you out there that  has had that little voice in your head telling you to quit.. Tell that voice to "GO FLY a KITE".. You are a Triathlete, runner,  swimmer, cyclist, and athlete!! YOU ARE ENOUGH!!

So, Speedy Turtle is Back!!

Happy World Turtle Day!!

Eling aka Speedy Turtle Triathlete

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