So this past weekend, I went to a wedding and at the reception the menu was Gus's Famous Fried Chicken and Gigi's cupcakes.. Yummy!!! Two of my favorite bad foods
Before the wedding, I went for a run, so I wouldn't feel too guilty about eating the fried chicken and the cupcakes. The run was great! I ran 6 miles, cleaned up and then tried on a dress I hadn't worn in 5 years because it was too small. The dress fit and I was soo excited!!! You would think wearing the dress I would not give in to the fried chicken and cupcakes.. well... I wasn't. See... I am addicted to food. Salty foods are my downfall. I ate the chicken and then that night I went out drank two beers and ate tortilla chips,queso and a pretzel. Yes, when I indulge... I INDULGE!!!! The next day, I felt bloated.
Instead of saying I will start again tomorrow with calorie counting, I went back to counting calories and ate healthy! I even worked the menu for the rest of the week. I wasn't going to let one day ruin the last 6 weeks!
Today, I was craving some fried chicken, so I drank some water and realized that I wasn't hungry, I was just thirsty.
This is a hard journey of learning to eat but I am not going to beat myself up. I know I will have bad days, I just need to let it go and move on.
Here's to learning more about myself!
Moving forward!
P.S. I tried P90X Kenpo X and I loved it! Can't wait until I do this again!
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