I have changed the title to the blog.. I thought I would title it The Speedy Turtle.. yes, this seem like a contradiction.. see, I am starting to get a faster but I am still slow... as slow as a turtle.. but.. I don't care. I am still training - off season training and come next triathlon season, I am going to get faster.
During this off season, I am going to work on my swimming, biking and running. In fact, I am now working with a new Coach - Lesley. This week was testing week I swam a 500 yard swim as fast as I could.. not. I finished in 10:56 sec. Yesterday, I had to ride my bike for 20 minutes as fast as I can.. THAT was hard.. Still not fast but it was Hard! Now next week, I will be training and really train hard. My new motto is "NO EXCUSES"..So, I am going to use this forum to keep me honest and no excuses.
Have a great week!
The Speedy Turtle!

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