So, my experience at Memphis in May was not as great as I would have liked but I did finish with a PR for MIM of over 23 minutes. Being consistent in your training really works and when you see results, you just want to keep trying harder..
My swim was the best swim ever.. I was soo happy about that.. I got out on the bike and I loved it! The winds weren't as bad as New Orleans and when I finished the bike, I could have gone another 20+ more miles.. I think I blew up on the run.. I was not ready for the heat and lack of ice on the course.. but I was not going to walk.. I only walked through the water stations and continued running, even if it was a 13-14 mile/hour.. I was not going to walk.. my stubborn self.. As I was finishing up the race, my husband and my son started jogging with me and cheer me on because I was so mad at myself.. I wanted to run so much faster.. I came in and I saw my time and realized that I was under 3 hours and 30 min, my goal. I actually cheered up when I found out that I had won Athena Master.. I never win, so it was so great to take home bling!...Actually, both my hubby and I won. He won Clydesdale Masters. We were able to get a picture together with our awards... So, what was the take home message from this race??? I need to acclimate to the heat.. That is what I have been doing... My next Big Race is Half Ironman Muncie in Indiana on July 13.. that's right in the middle of the summer in the Mid West...Last year, they cut the distance of the bike and run to an Olympic distance due to the heatwave.. so we will see. I am actually looking forward to racing this because I want to see what else I can do. I think I have become hooked on my training...So many times in the past, I would "think" I was training and I didn't do very well, so I would just give up.. Not this time!! I have been following my schedule and I keep on going. Today, I finished my long brick - 40 miles on the bike followed by a 4 mile run and I ran faster than that I had during the Olympic distance two weeks ago.. acclimating in the heat is important. I have also started working on the nutrition again for the race distance.. during the half in New Orleans, I started to cramp in my quads, and I think it was due to not having enough electrolytes in the system, so I have started to add that to my nutrition and I will be adding salt capsules.. so many things to remember. I will have to start keeping a list..
I have added new training items to the schedule.. I am now working on the computrainer twice a week and I have added some intervals.. Last week, I had 3x 1 mile intervals and I actually ran.. I didn't jog the intervals.. Yeah!! Once Muncie is done, my next goal will be running the St Jude Half Marathon.
Speedy turtle is trying to get faster, slowly but surely...
Until next time... (maybe I will write about the laws of thermodynamics and how it relates to me and my triathlon training)..
P.S.. I was just sent the Movie trailer for Turbo.. I can't wait to see it..