Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Gasping for Air!!!!!!

So.. the last two days, I have been out of commission on training.. This time I didn't make an excuse.. My body had come down with an upper respiratory infection.. Thanks to my adorable, loving son, who likes to drink out of mom's cup... I caught his cold..

Adorable son on New Year's Eve..
Today, I started to feel a lot better. I went to my evening swim class.. Oh My Goodness (my version of OMG).. My first 100 yards, I felt like I hit a brick and I was gasping for air.. Wow.. having a hacky cough and congestion can really hurt your chest and lungs when you are trying to breathe while swimming..GASP.... As I started completing each set, my lungs started to clear up and I was feeling a lot better.. This was great.. but then I got mad.. I started to think of Lance Armstrong his doping and this really made me upset.. For someone that I have looked up to for so long, how could he have done what he did. I mean, here I am gasping for air just to complete my workout and he cheats.. I am disappointed and upset...ugh.. sorry.. I just did a "Squirrel" moment..

Back to swimming.. after the first 100, each set did get better. I am so glad I went. I finished 2200 yards again..I had a blast and I think I was able to get more of the yucky gunk out of my body!

So, the moral of my thoughts.. listen to your body..if it tells you to rest, rest and when you are ready to train again.. do so.. you will feel 100% better. 

Happy Training, 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Hacking cough...

Just when I have been on track on exercise and enjoying my run, bike and swim.. I wake up this morning with hacking cough.. UGH.. How could this be!!!! I really don't like being sick.. How can I keep going.. Well...I am going to get some rest tonight!

I will get back on track... everyone has their ups and down..I will rest today and hopefully, tomorrow I can go for that run or bike ride.

Happy Training!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Putting the Triathlon pieces together...

Tonight was another Swim night with my coach and I really am surprised at how much easier it has gotten. Last year, I used to dread each of my run and swim workouts.. I was slow, I never seemed to improve and it was just hard.. I wasn't having fun...I was not very consistent with my workouts. I would always make an excuse, almost any excuse.. but over the last week, the triathlon puzzle pieces are starting to fall into place again... Yeah!!!

I love to run, I swam 2200 yards and I had fun.. I may not be fast, but I am having fun..I am actually looking at my son and telling him to hurry up I have to go my swim practice  or I am making him wait now while I finish my workout.. I do want to add a disclaimer to this great feeling of getting the puzzle pieces together....I am not perfect and I may lose the puzzle pieces.. so, I will have to start again.   :)

Happy Training!


Friday, January 11, 2013

A mile is still a mile....

As I ran my long run today, I started looking at my Garmin and kept getting frustrated because I wasn't going fast.. I wanted to maintain my 11 min/mile that I ran during my intervals this week. I was cursing my self.. saying I will never get fast.. Why am I running so slow.....ugh!!! I really was getting mad and not enjoying the run.. After mile two.. I looked up and saw the sun was setting and it was so beautiful...I just realized that my long run today was not about racing but enjoying the nice afternoon..the weather was 67 the second week of Jan...and enjoy the beauty of running outside, instead of the treadmill, and the beauty of nature.. Once I did that, I continued to run and stopped beating myself up..I finished 6.3 miles outside and then the last 1.7 miles on the treadmill. It was getting dark and I didn't have any gear on to run in the dark..So what does this mean to me? I needed to realize that if I ran 16 min/mile or a 6 min/mile, I still ran 8 miles.. I got it done... That was my message to me.. As long as I keep on going, I have succeeded!

Happy Training!


Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013 - A New Year!!!

So, over the last few months, I have been setting little goals...started P90x, lose a couple of pounds, and have fun.....

This year, I have a few goals that I would like to achieve as my New Year's resolutions. 

Goals for 2013: 

  1. Be the best wife and mom to my husband and son... The two of them are my biggest supporters. I love the two of them so much!
  2. Have fun and not make training a chore. Training for triathlons should be fun and a hobby. I am having fun and the results from having fun, is good health and great friends..
  3. Each month, try to lose 5 lbs.. If I don't lose 5lbs, I will not beat myself up.. I will get back up and start again. 
  4. Complete Ironman 70.3 New Orleans under 8 hours. -- The mini goals to this is to complete each training workout that is on my plan... If I miss a day, I will don't give up and keep on training.. I will, also, try to have fun..

Each of these are achievable, I just have to believe in myself and not beat myself up!

Have fun everyone! 
