Thursday, September 22, 2011

Teaching an Old Dog new tricks!

Last night I had a swim lesson to correct my freestyle. I have been getting really nervous about the swim and I didn't want to revert back to my standby stroke - breaststroke.  You see my breaststroke has always been faster than my freestyle. Even when I was on the high school swim team, I swam faster as a breastroker than a freestyler.

When I started training, my tri coach said, I had to swim freestyle. Begrudgingly, I swam freestyle. I would kick so hard and move my arms so much and still not get anywhere.   I would still be the last one finishing up the swim set and swimming was not fun anymore. Friends and family who have known me for a long time know that I used to be a fish in the  water and for me to not like swimming would be a shock. I was bummed. I really wanted the swim to be easier but it was getting to be just as hard as running. (I am a fast turtle when I am running).

After watching my son swim his first short course swim meet and watching him get a PR in his freestyle, I decided, I wanted to improve my freestyle. So I emailed another triathlon coach who is swimmer to help me out. Lesley came highly recommended. I also watched her race and it was amazing. I wanted to get better. 

Making the phone call was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I learned that freestyle really isn't as hard as I was making it to be. I learned how to improve my stroke and kick the correct way. I learned that I was working way too hard to be an endurance swimmer. I still have a lot of work to do. More drills to complete, but I am determined. I will get better and just maybe... I will keep up with my husband in the water..

Yes, an old dog kind learn new tricks. I am proof positive about this one. Thank you Lesley for working with me! I look forward to working with you after Austin to get better and learn more new tricks!

Happy Training!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Almost 10 mile run....

So, for the last few weeks, I have been busy getting ready for Austin Ironman 70.3.. I can't believe it is 5 weeks away.. where did the time go..Today, was a long run day.. I ran 9.75 miles. I almost made it to 10 miles but I had a dog come running at me and I was ready to turn back.. The run felt great! I guess my running legs are starting to come back.. Yeah!

I am still a slow runner.. or as my son would tell me, I am the speedy turtle mom now! I will take that. I love his description.

Happy Training!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


This past weekend was a very busy triathlon weekend! My Husband, Don, qualified for the HyVee Triathlon 5150 US Championships back in May when we competed in Memphis in May. So, we packed the car, the cats, the bikes and the gear and headed to Des Moine, IA. What an experience! As my son, Donnie stated on his Facebook page..."Not only did i get to see my dad complete a tri, i also got to see pro's do (their) work!" I would have to say the same.. This weekend, I got to see my husband, Don, complete an awesome race, but I was able to watch how the pros compete. It was after the race that I found out that this is the highest paid race for professional triathletes! Wow!

What has motivated me was seeing all of the competitors compete and cross that finish line and then to see the pros. I was so close, that I was almost knocked over by one of the riders during the bike portion..

I am now even more motivated to  continue with my training for Austin 70.3. In addition, I now have a new goal to reach next year. I want to go to the HyVee Age Group Championships next year! So, I will keep on training. 

Here are some of the photos that we took over the weekend! This is such an awesome competition and the people of Des Moine, IA do know how to put on a triathlon!

My Handsome Husband! I am so proud of him!
