So yesterday, my workout entailed running intervals... the routine included 10-15 min run as a warm-up and 3 x 1 mile run at tempo pace rest 10 min between each mile.. I made the morning excuse and slept in.. oh and sleep felt soo good..I regretted it that afternoon.. I decided to run at 6:30 pm.. the weather was 97 with a heat index of 105.. but I did it anyways because there was shade.. Was I wrong!! It felt like this:
I was drenched after the first mile!.. The good thing about the run was that I was running on my bike route..yes, i took a picture:
See... I had shade..LOL.. I finished the workout, almost... I ran the two miles at tempo and the last mile, I walked and did a tempo run for .5 mile.
This morning I trained with our tri-group and we rode for almost 30 miles ( actually my speedometer stated 27.5 miles). It was the first time I hit a true double digit on a hill! I went 12 mile/hour up a hill.. remember, I am really slow. I was keeping up.. I wonder if the run the night before helped me out.. I don't know but the ride was great. .. training is going well.. I am still fighting with my personal excuses and staying on track, but my hubby and the tri-group is helping me a lot to stay on track.. Thank you everyone!
Happy Training!